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Boxy 2009-03-16 01:45 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)
3 個附件
[這篇文章最後由Boxy在 2009/03/16 04:24pm 第 6 次編輯]

紅線水表面濕化劑這一兩年在美國周末賽車運動相當風行, 從BMW, Porsche 到Honda club (S2000 turbo 等等) 都陸續有不少車友在使用, 但依直在國內無緣尋得~ 又由於是液體, 無法直接搬回國內, 到了最近才有機會搞到一箱使用~
在此先提一下水箱精這樣東西~ 一般來說, 所有原廠冷卻系統都是以50/50比例水箱精/水 所能帶走的熱去設計~ 而水箱經本身有三個功能:
1. 防凍 (Anti Freeze - 在台灣幾乎不需要)
2. 防鏽 (Anti Corrosion)
3. 潤滑(潤滑水幫浦及其他零件等等)

水箱精加的越多, 冷卻效果越差
50%/50% vs 100% 清水, 實際上冷卻效果約只有純水的50~70%. 但以BMW 的水箱材料來說(鋁), 又不能不加水箱精來防鏽~ 所以大多數保養廠都會加進20的AntiFreeze~
目前知道x 德體系的保養廠都會加進50/50, 一來符合BMW AG 設計規範, 再來(完全個人猜測)也許是可以多賣幾瓶水箱精~ 但以台灣的用車環境, 這樣加法在夏天其實散熱效果較差~ 各位國中時的理化一定有上過, 水的比熱值是所有液體理最高的, 液體越稠, 導熱性越差~ ! 理論上50% Antifreeze 會讓液體較純水稠四倍~
在引擎散熱水管內 溫度較低的水經過金屬水管(引擎缸體溫度) 時, 即使遠在沸點以下 (煮過泡麵都會知道) 還是會在金屬水管表面形成小氣泡(所以所有的冷卻系統都是有壓力的, 壓力越大沸點越高), 這層小氣泡阻隔了水與金屬水管的接觸, 而讓固定時間內流過單位容積的水無法帶走更多熱量!
Water Wetter 的功能主要是破壞水表面的張力, 以讓部分小氣泡能更容易的被水帶走, 讓冷卻水能更貼近金屬表面來使冷卻水在汽缸頭某些高熱產生的部位(轉彎, 不平處等等)改善帶走熱量的效果!
經小弟實測, 原本20/80 水箱精 vs 15/85 + 2 罐Water Wetter,
室溫17 時 原本冷車約8分鐘到達工作溫度(94~95 度), 小循環時定溫96~94度, 大循環時定溫85~83度~
雖然BMW 的引擎冷卻設計是用電子水龜控制在預設溫度 一般使用時溫度較高以改善燃燒效率, 省油環保, 高附載時盡量降低汽缸頭溫度, 水龜水溫實在只能做一個參考, 但前天換加Water Wetter 後, 冷車走平常每天走的路線, 約15分鐘到達88~91 度, 直到怠速停紅燈時慢慢到達94度, 但一般行駛時水溫竟降到88~90 度, (這是前所未見的!) ~
大循環時, 很重要的水溫降溫速度明顯變快, 最低降到78~79度(這更是前所未見的!)~
各位均知道汽缸頭基本上幾乎完全是靠水去冷卻, 在激烈操駕時若水無法有效率的將汽缸頭的熱量帶走 實際上是會損失燃燒效率, 並較易造成爆震以致延後點火~ 散熱效果好的冷卻系統(能夠在短時間內將引擎的熱帶到水箱散掉) 絕對是保護引擎相當重要的一項科目~
小弟實際使用此產品兩天即有感受到明顯差異, 在此與眾車友分享~!

3D2079 2009-03-16 02:38 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

Boxy 2009-03-16 02:41 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

下面引用由3D20792009/03/16 02:38pm 發表的內容:
小弟請台北瓦士叫了一箱, 他那應該還有剩幾罐~
0932353374 方先生

3D2079 2009-03-16 02:43 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

下面引用由Boxy2009/03/16 02:41pm 發表的內容:
小弟請台北瓦士叫了一箱, 他那應該還有剩幾罐~
0932353374 方先生
了解,來去問問看!! :em03:

黃金聖鬥士 2009-03-16 03:33 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

Boxy 2009-03-16 04:26 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)
附上國外車友所寫的技術解釋, 相信比小弟的中文流利多了~ 有興趣的車友可參考看看~
Redline "Water Wetter"
Does it really work?
Does it work? I cannot give a conclusive answer to that question. But I like "Water Wetter" and have been using it in all of my cars for many years now.
What I can say with conviction is that the person who wrote Redline';s Technical Information brochure on "Water Wetter" knew what he or she was talking about. I have a Ph.D. in Heat Transfer and have taken a graduate course in Boiling and Condensation. Based on my training I can say that Redline';s explanation of their product makes good scientific sense.
First we must dispel a common misconception: "Water Wetter" is not designed to lower your car';s bulk coolant temperature. So if you put it in your E30 M3 hoping to see lower operational coolant temp';s, then you will probably be disappointed.
"Water Wetter" is designed to reduce hot spots in your cylinder head. It does this by reducing the build-up of water vapor in any superheated areas. The bad thing about having hot spots in your cylinder head (read combustion chamber) is that they can promote pre-ignition - definitely a bad thing. This harks back to Smokey Yunick';s theory of "soft combustion chambers". Any sharp edges in your combustion chamber (around valve seats for example) may tend to get very hot (even red hot) during operation. These areas of the combustion chamber can then form local hot spots in the cooling passages. Thus, even though your bulk coolant temperature is well below its boiling point (i.e. your gauge reads just fine), there may be localized boiling in some regions of the coolant tract.
This localized boiling can cause a layer of water vapor to form over the hot spot. This vapor forms an insulative blanket and prevents heat from leaving this area, thus making the hot spot even worse. But reducing the surface tension of the water makes it easier for vapor bubbles to leave the surface of the cylinder head and allows the bubbles to convect heat away from the area. Something that changes the surface tension of a liquid is called a "surfactant". It does not take very much surfactant to significantly change the surface tension of water. Hence, you do not need to add very much "Water Wetter" in order for it to do its job.
An additional benefit of using "Water Wetter" (in conjunction with 100% water) in you cooling system is that water has an extremely high heat capacity. Thus a gallon of 100% water can carry more heat away from you engine than an equivalent gallon of 50/50 water and coolant. Water also has a high thermal conductivity which increases the convection of heat away from the coolant passage walls and into the free stream of the liquid flowing through the passages.
"Water Wetter" does not increase the boiling point of water. Standard automotive coolant does increase the boiling point of the mixture above that of 100% water. But remember that if your cooling system is operating properly, it should never get hot enough to boil (I mean BOIL, not just localized boiling). Raising the boiling point of the coolant in passenger cars is primarily a safety measure, so that if the cooling system is over stressed (climbing a hill on a hot day with AC on), it will not boil over. On performance cars the primary duty of the cooling system is to keep the engine in its optimum temperature range. This is best accomplished with 100% water, because its high heat capacity makes it very efficient at transferring heat.
Performance cars often run relatively high cooling system pressures. This also raises the boiling point of the coolant. But the high system pressure is not used to avoid boiling so much as to allow the engine to operate at a higher temperature for reasons of efficiency. A higher cooling system bulk temperature also allows the use of a smaller radiator (there is a greater driving force to transfer heat from the coolant to the free stream air). Take a look at the E30 M3';s "tiny" radiator and you will see what I mean.

陳靜儀 2009-03-16 05:03 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

stan 2009-03-17 09:47 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

Boxy 2009-03-17 12:35 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

下面引用由stan2009/03/17 09:47am 發表的內容:
小弟沒有去露天找, 不過redline water wetter 的確有分汽油與柴油引擎用的~ 請認明與小弟照片相同的瓶裝為妥~

3D2079 2009-03-26 04:42 PM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)
效果不錯喔!!感謝Boxy的分享 :em15: :em15:

金毛毛E46M3 2009-04-01 04:03 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)
原來redline還有出這個@@" 列入保養名單 感謝大大分享 =)

所以是用 15/85 + 2 罐Water Wetter
15是水箱精? 85是水? 還是有 15/85這種的市售水箱水??
順便貼一下 這個網站是剛剛找到最便宜的
USD$6.48 +運費 分享給需要的大大們 ^^

汪汪 2009-04-01 05:07 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

Boxy 2009-04-01 09:08 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

下面引用由金毛毛E46M32009/04/01 04:03am 發表的內容:
原來redline還有出這個@@" 列入保養名單 感謝大大分享 =)
所以是用 15/85 + 2 罐Water Wetter
15是水箱精? 85是水? 還是有 15/85這種的市售水箱水??
We are talking about two relative but different subjects here~
The sole purpose of water wetter is to soften the surface tension of coolant - water - so as to enable water penetrating air bubble layer attached to hot (exceeding boiling temp under pressure) metal surface and improve thermo transfer capacity over fixed time, by significantly increasing the contact area.
As learnt from high school physics, H2O is the best liquid as for thermo capacity, period. Adding different solutions, such as anti freeze WILL reduce the overall thermo capacity. However pure water does not help to reduce rust and lubricate critical moving parts, such as aluminum radiator or the moving water pump in your bimmer, Anti freeze is added to provide these critical functions on street cars, and of course, to anti freeze under freezing temp~
In Taiwan consider the coolant would almost never freeze, one may use even pure distilled water all year round (change them frequently to reduce rust deposit) and enjoy better cooling efficiency than anti-freeze/water mix.
Now, as for mixture of af/water, most of the antifreeze sold are pre-mixed in 20/80 or 50/50. The ratio we are talking about is between pure concentrated anti-freeze and pure water.
Hope above helps~

金毛毛E46M3 2009-04-03 12:23 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)
謝謝Boxy大!! 馬上去買 ^^

Boxy 2009-04-03 11:34 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)

下面引用由金毛毛E46M32009/04/03 00:23am 發表的內容:
謝謝Boxy大!! 馬上去買 ^^
祝好運~ 不過建議您加時先把原本的水換掉~!

金毛毛E46M3 2009-04-04 02:37 AM

[分享] Redline 紅線Water Wetter (水表面濕化劑)
會的 我看到的大部分都是預先調好的 不過我找到水箱精了
下個週末我會用純水下去調 ^^

E46M3POWER 2012-02-27 05:35 PM


hophip0926 2012-02-27 06:43 PM


M3sparco 2012-02-27 06:48 PM


Gamadata 2012-03-04 02:32 PM


作者: 汪汪 (文章 375971)


ballcat 2012-03-05 12:10 AM

好像很不錯 , 露天有賣 , 過幾天買一罐試看看


andyhsieh 2012-03-05 10:39 AM

這產品有防鏽功能嗎? 能不能只用純水去調?

yost蟲 2012-03-05 11:54 AM


作者: andyhsieh (文章 884707)
這產品有防鏽功能嗎? 能不能只用純水去調?

雖然我沒看到網頁中有寫道防鏽的功能, 但我認為這是水箱精的基本功, 不可能無防鏽特性

志鋒 2012-03-05 12:52 PM

E46 330CI 把原來的水換掉 ! 需要加給瓶??

Gamadata 2012-03-06 10:07 AM

美國紅線REDLINE Water Wetter超級水箱精,美國直線大賽愛用品,可有效降低水溫5~8度,並減少車輛風扇轉動時間。
小氣泡就像在煮開水時,雖然未達沸點,但是都會有一顆一顆的小氣泡在水壺壁上,內含的空氣就會阻礙熱傳導,因此使用Water Wetter可以讓水更貼合引擎需水散熱的每個角落,增進熱傳導效率。
Water Wetter相容於新品或使用過之油性/水性水箱精,增進乙烯乙二醇 及丙烯乙二醇 的熱轉換效率。

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