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甜筒 2012-12-23 01:30 AM

關於E46 330Iza的一些問題
各位大大 請問2002年 e46 330Iza 這個iza是什麼意思 然後車子沒有引擎編號 這是美規? 歐規? 大約行情在哪裡 4門的 如果是330要如何辨識引擎

甜筒 2012-12-23 03:18 AM

請問有大大能告訴我嗎?? 謝謝

ZZZ455159 2012-12-23 03:58 AM

沒有引擎號碼很正常!!! 要看是不是美規的看儀表板或是前擋風玻璃左下角友沒有車身號碼!!!

甜筒 2012-12-23 04:11 AM

行照上 無引擎編號 左下角有車身號碼 但是對方說是歐規車 儀板表也是歐規的 但是不是可換嗎? 他說日系e46 才有引擎編號 我本身是e36 目前我對e46不是很理解 所以麻煩大大指教指教

nt4142 2012-12-23 04:19 AM

E46 330 IZA 前面就是車型跟CC數代號, IZA就是:I 噴射引擎的代號, Z 我就不知道了喔!, A 自動變速箱代號.

甜筒 2012-12-23 04:33 AM

了解....謝謝你...手自排的330很少? 因為我找個賣場查看大概330iza價錢 幾乎都查不到 賣場只有1台 330iza 所以根本不清楚行情

甜筒 2012-12-23 04:35 AM

收到 你這個解釋 我明白了 感謝你

nt4142 2012-12-23 04:48 AM

所以Z應該是Shouzi Pai(手自排)

甜筒 2012-12-23 04:50 AM


甜筒 2012-12-23 04:56 AM

可是....320I 325I 330I 不是也都手自排@!@

nt4142 2012-12-23 05:00 AM

我車的配備: 手自排 多功能方向盤 天窗 皮椅 6CD音響 ABS 倒車雷達 電動後照鏡 6安全氣囊 恆溫空調 自動感應雨刷
有請其他E46 3XX I 車友說明一下車上配備.我也想知道Z到底代表什麼.

甜筒 2012-12-23 05:02 AM

恩 了解 真的很謝謝你 那請問你清楚目前的行情嗎? 02年 330

甜筒 2012-12-23 05:13 AM

噗....我也是一樣 根本搞不清楚 因為當初買E36 就是傻傻的被車行騙過一次 所以這次也很擔心 尤其又是換E46 不清楚每台CC數後面英文的版本跟行情
E36 也沒有 IZA

住海邊 阿樺 2012-12-23 06:55 AM

日規的也沒有引擎號碼..因為小弟的就是日規的E46 CI
這點我可以為你解釋 其他的小弟知識可能就比較不足了~"~ 呵呵..

甜筒 2012-12-23 06:58 AM

恩 謝謝你的資料提供~! 我現在好像有點理解IZA 的意思了 我在想會不會是小改款的意思

甜筒 2012-12-23 07:01 AM

我想請問 樺哥 你的日規 是外匯進來的嗎? 因為我映像中 BMW 只有歐規 才會有引擎號
美規 都是沒引擎號 至於 日規 好像只能靠外匯進來

拼圖 2012-12-23 08:37 AM


作者: 甜筒 (文章 1022211)
我想請問 樺哥 你的日規 是外匯進來的嗎? 因為我映像中 BMW 只有歐規 才會有引擎號
美規 都是沒引擎號 至於 日規 好像只能靠外匯進來


甜筒 2012-12-23 09:06 AM

了解 感謝!!....那請問一下 目前02年 E46 330I 小改款 的行情在哪裡 我看市場價錢真的好亂
最近有找到一台原廠 車子真的很漂亮 沒有傷到車粱和板金 很安靜 六十萬 請問這個價格會不會太高

飛天德 2012-12-23 09:24 AM


甜筒 2012-12-23 09:26 AM

哦 也就是說 IZA=精裝車=小改款?

jason3358335 2012-12-23 10:18 AM

i = injection 噴射引擎

d = diesel 柴油

s = 運動車款 Sport model These models have sporting options like bigger brakes, stronger suspension, etc.

e = 節能,低耗油 引擎 Economy engine Technically, "e" refers to the Greek letter "eta", which means "efficiency". The eta engine was used in the 325e and 528e models.

t = 渦輪Turbo charged engine When used alone, "t" can refer to gasoline or diesel models. The "td" stands for " turbodiesel" while "tds" refers to " intercooled turbodiesel".

td= 柴油渦輪

t = 旅行車款 Touring For early models, " touring" could refer to hatchback, wagon, or even sport versions.

x = 四輪傳動 All Wheel Drive model The original model was the E30 "ix", but the latest E46 3 Series AWD model is designated "xi".

L = 長軸距車款 Long wheelbase model Examples include the 7 Series Sedan, 750iL. Sometimes, "L" is used as a prefix, like the "L6" and "L7" models. These models are not only long, but they are also premium models, usually with extra luxury features.

C = 雙門車款 Coupe Sometimes used with an "S", like "Coupe Sport". The "C" code is often used for luxury coupes like the 6 and 8 Series. The new E46 3 Series uses the "C" code, too.

A = 自排車款 Automatic transmission Rarely seen, for BMW does not often advertise automatic transmissions! A common example is "525iA".

甜筒 2012-12-23 10:21 AM


作者: jason3358335 (文章 1022239)
s = 運動車款 Sport model These models have sporting options like bigger brakes, stronger suspension, etc.

e = 節能,低耗油 引擎 Economy engine Technically, "e" refers to the Greek letter "eta", which means "efficiency". The eta engine was used in the 325e and 528e models.

t = 渦輪Turbo charged engine When used alone, "t" can refer to gasoline or diesel models. The "td" stands for " turbodiesel" while "tds" refers to " intercooled turbodiesel".

td= 柴油渦輪

t = 旅行車款 Touring For early models, " touring" could refer to hatchback, wagon, or even sport versions.

x = 四輪傳動 All Wheel Drive model The original model was the E30 "ix", but the latest E46 3 Series AWD model is designated "xi".

L = 長軸距車款 Long wheelbase model Examples include the 7 Series Sedan, 750iL. Sometimes, "L" is used as a prefix, like the "L6" and "L7" models. These models are not only long, but they are also premium models, usually with extra luxury features.

C or c = 雙門車款 Coupe Sometimes used with an "S", like "Coupe Sport". The "C" code is often used for luxury coupes like the 6 and 8 Series. The new E46 3 Series uses the "C" code, too.

A = 自排車款 Automatic transmission Rarely seen, for BMW does not often advertise automatic transmissions! A common example is "525iA".

感謝這位大大....只不過IZA 這裡面沒有 不過還是感謝你^^ 這個問題大致上應該有解了 3Q

ZZZ455159 2012-12-23 11:20 AM


benzamgc63 2012-12-23 03:00 PM

小弟的E46 是原廠M-SPORT版 行照上是320iza...

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