舊 2012-06-29, 08:37 AM   #6
小小湯 的頭像
註冊日期: 2004-04-20
住址: 中壢
文章: 3,105
精華: 0
贊助: 2006、2007、2008
將將去大溪回來,發現低速真的不是很好開,有幾次轉速掉到剩2~3百轉,這時就要補一下油門將轉速拉回,但是中高速及加速感真的比較好也比較順,目前就是低速處理的不是很漂亮,如果翻譯的沒錯,賣家是說30個小時的行駛(Please note, cars in alpha-n mode are intended for track use however many use them as daily drivers. Depending on your modifications some degree of idle instability and low rpm hesitation will result in alpha-n mode. It is essential that your TPS, IAT, ECT, lambda and knock sensors are in good working order after the MAF sensor is removed! These problems will improve once the car learns new adaptation values but this takes a some time (30hrs+ of driving).
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