舊 2013-06-20, 07:53 PM   #1
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註冊日期: 2013-05-10
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「令人噁心但肉體很迷人」 外國人眼中的台灣女人

「令人噁心但肉體很迷人」 外國人眼中的台灣女人



Let's be fair here. I have a gorgeous, adorable Taiwanese girlfriend that I am willing to spend the rest of my life with. Not because she is Hello Kitty, submissive, shallow, brain dead and a good fxxk. Because she calls herself a freak (a surprisingly foxy one) , standing out from that essentially numbed crowd that I call most of Taiwan (excluding the "hen qi guay" lot), in ways that make most other girls look like total idiots.

就這方面而言,我想講幾句實在話:我有一個台灣女朋友,看起來漂亮又大氣。我很願意跟她共度下半輩子。我之所以如此,不是因為她對丈夫言聽計從,不是因為她腦袋死板,不是因為她只是個空花瓶(譯註:原文為Hello Kitty,猜測有「空花瓶」之意),而是她有別於大部份的台灣女性(撇開那些「很奇怪」的人),敏感又大膽(我的美艷狐狸精!),不像那些女生一樣低能。

My hat goes to her even more knowing that she only lived 3 months in the US, while being naturally open minded and full of dynamic debates about all kinds of issues. Yes, she has all those traits that many guyswould want.


There are indeed some very interesting and charming ladies out here, but to the best of my knowledge, they are depressingly rare. Why? Because aside from being good at shallow chat followed by a deep fxxk, one, two, here, there and everywhere, most girls here just about do a good job of sucking in all manner possible. Sex aside, let's not even get into how much worse it gets for 95% of TW born and raised guys when it comes to friendship with foreigners.


Yes the long eyelashed and legs empty egg-shells are gold diggers, oozing superficial arrogance that would turn a sensible man like myself into a sexual vice animal against it.

台灣女生睫毛長、腿長、腦袋空(譯註:我不懂empty egg-shells何意,我也懶得查,我隨便翻,你們隨便看。)、貪財、膚淺又驕矜自恃。我本明理,一遇到這群女生,卻成了任由性慾擺佈的野獸。

Even many of those who can speak decent English will rarely go beyond conversations about shopping, food, travel (if they dare to pretend knowing anything worthwhile about the real world beyond American and Japanese shopping malls) and maybe, just maybe, fun sex.

台灣女生有不少人會說英文;然而,她們聊天的主題總是圍繞在「購物」、「食物」、「旅遊」,很少有例外。(就算她們裝得「知性美」,想把話題扯到更現實的東西,除了美國商場和日本血拼商店外, 他們也想不出什麼,哦,或許在聊性事方面會有趣一點啦。)

Take things further into the arts, music, DECENT movies beyond Hollywood,politics, science and philosophy, I would say that 90% of people in Taiwan are "educated" to work, not to please the depths of themselves and others in particularly subtle ways.


The worst thing about all this is that the truly fascinating side of Chinese culture is either a political conundrum for not knowing which side to choose, or is slowly sinking face first into oblivion. There is room for tremendous melting pot in Taiwan, but not much is being done about it.


This is not a blind assault at intercultural differences, but a good stab at old social etiquettes that were ditched in the 60 and 70's in the West.


The family, school, work ethics to my opinion kills people's potential.Taiwan has grown economically, but it will reach full maturity only aftera hard look at itself in relation to the rest of the world, while learning to accept and integrate true differences, like other Asian places such as Singapore have learned to do, to make for a much nicer place to live and fit in with open minded people.


In the meantime, it comes across as easy for Taiwanese people to be pleasant and smiling on the surface, but I do believe that their most visceral personal and social identity dangerously lacks confidence and awareness with others at best, or is totally uninterested and racist deep within, ever so silently.


As an Adult Business Teacher, i listen to a lot of answers to topic questions in my class. when the topic gets around to love and relationships you always hear TW Girls saying the same exact xshit.


" i want a guy who is tall, understands me, is responsible, etc"



The problem with this is they never really define what responsible is.From my experience, what they mean by responsible is "safe". They want some castrated man with spiked hair who never takes chances, never moves in a direction that might make them feel unsafe, never walks the path less chosen. They want a guy who is just bent to their wishes for "their dreams" ie, the house, the car, the baby, the whole nine yards.



Nothing is wrong with those things, except that they have become the "Price For Admission" so to speak, rather than the result of two people's love and efforts for one another. They constantly take shortcuts.


These Women always talk about how they want someone who understands them. By this, i take it to mean they want an extension of their spoiling family or old boyfriends (Plan B... but still wait around) who will put up with their temper tantrums, immaturity, and stupidity.These women are basically in the market for either daddy or their older brother, someone who is used to their bullshitx.


Expecting someone to understand you is the height of immaturity.We should seek more to understand others than to be understood.The world owes us nothing, but we live in it, and should learn to adapt to it, not the other way around.


i find TW women to be utterly selfish, insecure, and self centered.As I have seen with many couples and unfortunate friends,when they age it's even more nonstop bitching and moaning. Thefocus just becomes on more money, more eating, more competition to show off to family and friends. You can forget about an exciting sex life. Lately i look at them with a mild disgust, despite some of their physical beauty.



No pussy is worth being constantly drained by these emotional vampires. Funny, with the many new girls I meet here, I aways say to myself"this one is different". LOL! Nope, same shitx with a different package.Same movie played over and over.


Oh Well, at least have a little fun, play their game, complement them on how brilliant it is to wear glasses without lenses, expect to pay for lots of dinners out. And most important....Yes, indeed,know when to say next. Their stock will drop in value quick and is a short sale. HK Girls are a way better catch.



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